Wine tastings near Venice: discover Castello di Roncade

Castello di Roncade: a journey from the ancient Venetian nobility to prestigious wine production. A paradise for the sight and the senses.




Adult : 10 Euro per Person

Kids from 16 years old: free

Other practical information

You can book the tour in Italian, English and German.
Tours in French and Danish on request without extra charge.
Visiting hours: Monday to Friday at 10.30, 15.00, 17.00. Subject to availability request on Saturday and Sunday. Contact Us!

Spoken Languages

  • Italian
  • English
  • French
  • German

Included / Excluded

Included :

Visit of the villa and its private chapel
Visit of the aging cellar
Guided wine tasting: five wines
This tour is also available in French and Danish on request without extra charge

Excluded :

Whatever is not specified in “Included”.

Sales Conditions

Once made, the purchase is non-refundable.
The date change is available with a minimum of 24 hours notice.



Approximately 1 hour


  • Child Friendly

Wine tastings near Venice:

The Roncade Castle rises at the city centre of Roncade, a town located in the province of Treviso. The buildings date back to the Renaissance period and they are a unique example of a pre-Palladian Venetian villa, surrounded by its own walls. The Venetian agricultural traditions have not changed here. Let us show you around the ancient Castello di Roncade, with its more than 110 hectares of vineyards and  a prestigious winery that produces internationally reknowned wines every year.

At first you will be shown into the villa, with its living room, which illustrates the way the Venetian nobility of that time lived. Next the guide will lead you through the gardens to the wine cellars, where the aroma of prestigious fine wines will welcome you and get you in the mood for tasting. Finally, a sommelier will guide you in tasting some fine white wines and full-bodied red wines.

Ultimately you will have access to the wine shop of the estate, where you can buy the bottles direct.

The tour, which lasts approximately one hour, includes:

  • Visit of the villa and its private chapel
  • Visit of the aging cellar
  • Guided wine tasting: five wines

food vivovenetiaFood & Wine